By Marie Sherlock
Last week I started posting a series of photo essays on “The Arches of France.” Actually, “essay” is a stretch; they’re mostly just photos because I haven’t uncovered much information on these enchanting architectural details aside from the fact that they are very, very old and appear to have the structural/functional quality of supporting the buildings that they grace (or providing a passageway through them).
While I would love more “arch knowledge,” I am also quite okay with just sharing photos these lovely, ancient wonders.
This post contains photos snapped in the village of Sauveterre in the Aveyron region of France (southwest of Paris). Enjoy. 🙂

Lovely arches! You know I never realized how many there were in France until you started posting these pictures!
I truly didn’t notice them until I went through my photos. I mean, I DID notice them, obviously – or I would not have taken so many pictures of them, right? Next time I’m there I will seek them out. 🙂